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Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming – Fifth Edition

Hey, everyone. As you know, I am not particularly present recently (I need to find out how to handle this blog while my interests spread out on non-technical stuff, but this is something for another time).

However, I am back with an announcement: I have recently published the fifth edition of Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming.

Not only have I updated the book for Unity 2022, but the book is also a massive improvement over the last edition in terms of code quality and consistency (and I really need to thank Kazimieras Mikelis for the extensive and detailed review). Moreover, I added a chapter on Procedural Content Generation because it is my main interest, of course.

Let me know what you think and what you would like to see in a future edition (I am planning a complete rewrite from scratch).

Follow this link for more info!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to AI
  2. Finite State Machines
  3. Randomness and Probability
  4. Implementing Sensors
  5. Flocking
  6. Path Following and Steering Behaviors
  7. A* Pathfinding
  8. Navigation Mesh
  9. Behavior Trees
  10. Procedural Content Generation
  11. Machine Learning in Unity
  12. Putting It All Together