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Remove custom tags from SingleFile output

Or, how I cut 2 Mb of Readwise scripts from each archived pages.

A man cleaning a large, empty, dirty, library.

I often use SingleFile to archive the page I like. One day, I’ve found out that Readwise was injecting 2Mb of JavaScript in each page. That is a lot of wasted space. Luckily, there is a (not simple) way to filter out custom tags from archived pages.

The Changelog – August 2023

Cozy, slow, August. A month of sporadic events and a short holiday break.

A photo of Terracina's seaside, on August 30th.

I know, I am late, but I have a good excuse: I was on a short holiday break in my nearby town of Terracina. I had also planned to publish this article on one of those lazy afternoons. However, when I arrived, I noticed that the mobile connection was practically non-existent (I hadn’t seen 1kbps since the early 2000s), so I gave up.

No real damage, I suppose. I guess nobody lost any sleep over it. 😅

How to use ElevenLabs text-to-speech in Unity

A simple script to add ElevenLabs text-to-speech to your Unity game.

Calculon from Futurama sipping cognac or whatever.

ElevenLabs offers the best text-to-speech API on the market, and it is my go-to service when I want to have very good results. I had to add text-to-speech to Unity’s demos a lot of times in the last months, and I decided to share the basic script I use to do it.

De-Bootstrapping my Blog - Part 2 - Going Mobile

Or, how I faced my fears and implemented a responsive layout.

A geometric pattern of 3D cubes.

I am writing a series of posts about the development of a new blog theme. In the second part, I describe how I conquered my fears, and implemented a responsive layout and a hamburger menu in pure CSS.

Why I don't do Time Tracking

I tried multiple times but, in the end, it made things worse.

A broken clock shattered on the ground. The style is cartoonish. :

Time tracking is a popular productivity technique. Many people swear by it as the most effective intentionality tool. However, it never worked for me. It made things worse. Here, I explain the three reasons why it failed me.

The Changelog – July 2023

Surviving an Heatwave. Doom Metal and more Star Trek.

A human figure standing in the middle of thundering waves and a sky of flames.

Notwithstanding the Sud-European heatwave, I survived.

This is already a good result for July, per se. Hailstorms and high-speed winds scourged Northern Italy, while forest fires tormented Southern Italy. I, in the middle, only had to endure 45°C. If you look at this in perspective, it is not so bad.

However, surviving was not enough. While the world slowed down, burdened by the sluggish progression of an overheated July, I felt more in tune with myself.

I still not trust Arc

Arc is a beautiful browser with a couple of smart design decisions. But it’s not enough.

Fry from Futurama staring at the Arc logo.

Now that Arc is available without an invitation, many people will try it for the first time. Unfortunately, while I think it is a good browser, I still don’t trust it.

De-Bootstrapping my Blog - Part 1

A geometric pattern of squares and grids.

I am writing a series of posts about the development of a new blog theme. In this first post, I talk about the history of web design (in my experience) and the new best thing in town: CSS Grid.

The Changelog – June 2023

A closeup of a yellow flower.

June was fine. I wish I could express more positive sentiments, but that’s how I feel. It was, however, a big step forward compared to May. Not because I resolved anything (on the contrary, my frustrations grew stronger) but rather because I put a certain emotional scar tissue around my problems so that they interfere less with my intentions.

June was also the month in which I was supposed to get the new car I ordered back in January. But no. No luck. I must continue with my old garbage-car for a bit (if she doesn’t fail me first).

The Changelog – May 2023

Header image for The Changelog – May 2023

In the previous issue of the Changelog, I mentioned that May is my apathy month: a time when my motivation plummets, my mood darkens, and I become more introverted than usual.

Unfortunately, I was right. Over the past 30 days, I have felt myself slowly sliding to the bottom of my emotional pit. Moreover, my “preventive care trip” to Ferrara got canceled due to the extensive and destructive floods in the region, so I had no other option but to accept the sliding.